Johnson Sign Company

Contact: Jim Johnson
Work 2240 Lansing Ave. Jackson MI 49202 Work Phone: 800-517-3720Website:

About JCCA Member

Photo of Johnson Sign Company

Johnson Sign Co. has been a trusted full-service sign partner for nearly 60 years. Providing design, manufacturing and installation services of exterior and interior signage, we handle a wide range of project sizes, from a single business to a business with a nationwide footprint. Our sales, design, production, install and service teams have the expertise to meet our clients’ vision to final completion.

Johnson Sign Co. specializes in custom electric signage including monument signs (ground signs), pylon signs (pole signs), wall signs, wall letters (channel letters), awnings, electronic message centers, tenant signs, interior signage, LED signs, illuminated signs, vinyl graphics, neon signs and much more.

Categories: Signs